Fuel Box Green D+HVO ON-ROAD Diesel 20L

Green D+ HVO Box is 20litres pre-filled bag in box re-fuelling system. Green D+ is a renewable, biodegradable, odourless sustainable fuel made from 100% renewable raw materials. An On-road diesel replacement. A more Sustainable, high quality on-road diesel fuel. Produced from Waste fats, vegetables and oils. The fats are transformed into biofuel by hydrogenation. HVO generates up to 90% less greenhouse gases (CO2) & emissions. Particulates are lowered by over 70%. Nox levels are reduced by up to 30% HVO is a cleaner Fuel than diesel or FAME (fatty acid methyl edster – biodiesel) Unlike Biodiesel it does not deteriorate over time and can be used in temperature. extremes. Free Pouring Spout with each box for Precise, Glug-free pouring UN Approval